The Power of Ice on Granite

We all know the serene strength of granite makes it the most popular medium for remembering our loved ones. However, even in its sile

The Power of Ice on Granite
We all know the serene strength of granite makes it the most popular medium for remembering our loved ones. However, even in its sile
November 8, 2023

We all know the serene strength of granite makes it the most popular medium for remembering our loved ones. However, even in its silent resilience, granite can fight a subtle battle with a benign enemy—ice.

Our commitment to continual learning and improvement is exemplified by a handful of monuments from our collection. This structure pictured below, with vases cored into the top, illuminated the importance of including a weep hole for drainage. Water, when trapped and frozen within, can exert pressure on the granite, underscoring the need for proper drainage to maintain structural integrity.

In addition, forgetting a pin to connect the lug holes in the base and die can lead to intrusions from water and eventual damage from ice. While these example monuments have shown signs of strain, they have served as valuable learning tools, enabling us to refine our process and prevent future occurrences. These instances have reinforced our commitment to precision and attention to detail in every step of the monument creation process, ensuring longevity in all of our work.

These learning experiences reaffirm the crucial role of diligence and meticulousness in crafting monuments. Every seemingly minor step contributes to ensuring these pieces stand the test of time and nature.

Rex Granite Company

We specialize in the production of high-quality granite memorials and monuments. We offer a wide range of both domestic and international colors and can accommodate any design requirement for our B2B partners, including funeral homes and cemeteries.